Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Over Indulgence in Faery Land

Week Thirty – eight: Sunday 17 – Saturday 23 June

"Something tells me, I'm into something good" were the words from the song whose title I can't remember ("Woke-up this morning feeling fine, there's someone special on my mind. Last night I met a girl, and her name is Sue ...") that I found myself involuntarily singing over the weekend. I was floating around the 3 Wishes Faery Fest at Colliford Lake Park, Bodmin, Cornwall, with Toni, Kumali, my samba drumming mates, and a whole collection of other happy, positive, friendly and relaxed people.

Penrhythm, the name of the samba/reggae eclectic that I play with, were invited to the Fest to liven up the crowds on the Friday and Saturday with some primal, tribal beats, under the pseudonym of 'Goblin Drummers'. We rocked, as usual, thanks, as always, to the teaching, guidance and conductoring of our leader and inspiration Sarah Ballantine. Many people came up to us on the Sunday to tell us they thought we provided the best musical performance of the weekend. Not difficult, given some of the stuff was pretty torturous, but a compliment none the less. And we have been invited to play another festival on the back of our efforts.

In between rehearsals and performances we were free to take in the other bands and singers, and dance and jive along, indulge in the various treats and delights for sale, and being passed around, and generally wander about looking at the stalls, playing on the slides, communing with nature and chatting to lots and lots of relaxed, mellow people with welcome smiles and ready laughs aplenty.

I haven't indulged in the pleasures of camping for over ten years. It was the perfect environment for Kumali, free to run around with all the other little girls dressed as fairies, with painted faces, wings, wands and other appropriate apparel. It was a perfect environment for Toni too, a woman who doesn't do words, who does atmosphere, because the ambiance all weekend was never less than warm, loving and open. And it was, of course, a perfect environment for me as well, because I am, I have come to learn, nothing more than a pagan, pixie, goblin, naturist.

The lovely and talented Frea, who is also on the writing course, was there with her equally lovely and talented partner, Andy, and various members of Frea's various families were also there, meaning I got to meet some of her wonderful family: dad, Jack; step-mum, Mary (who beautifully painted Kumali and my faces with butterfly designs); brothers Ja (who made a fantastic veggie curry) and Jimmy; and little sister, the inimitable Flora.

Frea, who is usually a relatively upbeat and positive person, spent six years living in Glastonbury so her tolerance for all the more powder puffy side shows that were going on at every turn was low, and, at times, her cynicism was palpable. On the Saturday I was all for staying for a month. When I mentioned the fact, Frea's eyes automatically rolled upwards, trying to touch her eyebrows, which were also raised, then, just as quickly, the expression was gone, she smiled, shook her head and was off, with her jaunty, unique gait taking her to the bar.

By the Sunday night, and a whole day of listening to well intentioned, but grossly deluded and awfully self-indulgent, bands as the rain drizzled down, I was ready to leave. I wandered round all the many faces I had struck up a rapore with, instantly bonded with, shared laughs and stories with, and said my goodbyes. Very genuine and lovely people, never met a bad 'un in three days. Faery land is a fabulous place to go ... but just maybe not permanently!


Occasional Poster of Comments said...

Ah, so it's true! Frea said you'd had a bit of a "festival epiphany" :) And to think you were so reluctant the other day...

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time. Are you recovered now?

I totally agree about the permenance. I could never do it for longer than a couple of days.


Petink said...

You write it beautifully. The whole weekend was a pleasure. And as you know Frea is gorgeous

Jacqui said...

I wanted to go to that festi but was £75 I think for the weekend. What other festival are you booked for? If it's Lowender look out for brilliant band 'Obedient Bone'
I won't be going to that one as have booked up for 3festi's this year and can't afford any more.
I hope your writing is going well. Take it easy

Jacqui x