Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bangers & Mash

Week Twenty-nine: Sunday 15 – Saturday 21 April

"Oh, and if anyone asks, we’re called ‘Mangers & Mash."

That was the last words from our 'leader' before we stepped out of our rehearsal room in a nearby shop, crossed the concourse, climbed the steps and entered the ‘Double Trouble – Dub Ska & Reggae’ gig.

The room was full and our arrival was being anticipated. We took our places in front of the dj box, then, poised and primed, we waited for the signal from said leader – then we were off. Fifteen people banging various drums, bells and tambour-drums, as well as shaking some serious shakers, to some sort of samba reggae rhythm.

Most of us only starting playing a drum a couple of months ago, when we first joined the newly started practice sessions. We’d had a mini-gig: walking along Falmouth High Street, in the pouring rain; the support act for Falmouth women’s acknowledgement of International Woman’s Day. This was a real gig: part of a bona-fide dj night; place packed with young people, mainly under 25. Safe to say there was a few nerves on the night.

The venue was excellent. Jubilee Wharf in Penryn; fifteen minutes walk from our house. Based near the harbour, a still busy and working harbour, Jubilee Wharf is an eco centre, with shops, flats a café and a functions room. The whole place is a tasteful intrusion on the landscape, and includes four small wind turbines to generate energy to power the whole place. They don’t look any more obtrusive than the multitude of various sized masts that jut out from the boats.

So the place has a good vibe; sustainable, environmental, earthy, natural. The audience were a bit like that too. And they loved us. We bashed out our two numbers, for about ten minutes each, as the crowd danced round about us; finishing with a massive crescendo - and loads of cheering and clapping.

As we wandered back out to let the djs carry on the night, strangers came up to us to shake our hands, pat our backs, ask when we our next gig is, and one person even asked if we had a cd!

Who wouldn't be a rock star?


tones! said...

Rock on 'Bangers' !!!

miss-cellany said...

I thought you were all great, loved the music, loved the vibe. Your drumming also did two other things -

1) cured me of my Brightonian fear of samba valley-girl ness.
2) was the only thing that made sense after 36 hrs without sleep.

Jen said...

You lot rocked the bongo

emapple said...

Sorry I missed it - will definitely try and get to the next one.

emapple said...

Sorry I missed it - will definitely try and get to the next one.