Saturday, May 26, 2007

Love IS All You Need

Week Thirty – three: Sunday 13 – Saturday 19 May

I’m not the biggest fan of The Beatles; that’s not to say I’m not a fan, just not the biggest fan. However, their song, ‘All You Need is Love’, is a classic in my view. It is right up there with Bob Marley’s, ‘One Love’, as an anthem for life and living. There are many other songs that have the importance of love as their theme, but you catch my drift, don’t you?

Love is always in existence, somewhere, somehow; even for those in horrible circumstances who may not feel the existence of love. Me, I am blessed: no doubt about that.

My wife and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on the 17 May and I took the opportunity to tell my wife one more time how much I love her and how much I appreciate, value and respect her love for me.

We are all guilty of complacency. It would appear to be one of the many afflictions of the human psyche. It is my aim to never get complacent about the love I am bathed in by my wife – and my daughter.

When you feel loved, know you are loved, receive love, and exist in a loving environment, it is equally as humbling as it is enriching. For the last five years that is the very environment that I have existed in. You can’t beat it. And what you give out comes back to you; I reciprocate the love my wife gives me, and vice versa. It is, I believe, what is known as a ‘virtuous cycle’.

As if I wasn’t fortunate enough to share my life with, and be loved by, a warm, intelligent, graceful, creative, calm, positive and loving, not to mention extremely beautiful, women, I also have the greatest love of all: the unconditional, unrequited love that exists between my daughter and me.

No human can stay alive without clean air and water, and some sustenance (but a lot less than the amount most of us shovel down our throats). It is hard, although not impossible, to live without a home and some recourse to finances. But love is all we really need.

Love is the beginning, the middle and the end.

1 comment:

tones! said...

I am humbled by your precious love. I love you ...